Archangel Azreal Aug 25, 2015


Archangel Azreal, I feel your presence and I welcome you. I am honored to hear your message and to pass it along to those who seek to hear your words.
My children, as you may know, I am referred to as the Angel of Death. While that has many negative connotations in your world, please know that my work is very important and has many more meanings than the sadness and despair that many of you attribute to death.

A recent popular song in your world states that “every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” This sentiment applies so clearly to the work that I do in guiding souls from your third dimensional existence back to the Source from which you all originate. Despite the notion that so many of you have that death is final, that it is the end, that it is sad, please open your hearts and your eyes and recognize that death in your dimension is only the end of one phase of existence.

With the changes that are coming to your planet, there will be many more souls who will be choosing to make their transition from this plane to another. This is done with the help and support of many souls who travel between the dimensions, from one planet to another, from one galaxy to another, assisting in the transition as requested and pre-arranged. They offer support and encouragement as a great awakening takes place and the souls are reminded of their journey, their purpose, and remember that this transition is indeed a part of the whole.

You will be aware of many of us who will be lending our assistance, our comfort and our support throughout the next several months as these foretold changes come about. You will recognize the forms of some, you will be surprised at the forms of some (think of the animals that you think of as service animals, or mythological, or extinct) and you will be shocked in your human minds at some of the guides who appear when you least expect them. Do not be afraid, but follow your hearts and your intuition, as you will recognize even the most unconventional of the guides who will appear.

You, now known as Tamarah, as the time passes, you will quickly take in stride the changes that occur. You will recognize at some level that all is as was predicted, whether believed or not, and you will find comfort in the level of acceptance that you feel. Others will look to you as a measure of accuracy and you will find that you are an important liaison during the transition. This is what you have been preparing for and all will be as it should be.

More of my comrades will be making their presence known to you in the coming days and we look forward to sharing our messages through you. Please continue to keep your mind and this beautiful channel open and ready for what we have to say. Look for our nudges and clues, so that you will be ready to take a few minutes and record what we tell you. As you proceed, you will find that there will be little bits and pieces of information that come through at the least expected times, but you will be able to jot them down and compile them as needed.

You are greatly appreciated and loved for all you are and all you do. You are living up to our highest expectations, although you may doubt it at this time. Wait and see, my dear one, wait and see!

You have my greatest respect and so much love. Please know that I am folding you into my arms and holding you close to my heart!

I am Archangel Azreal!