Includes Oracle Card Readings

Mystical, Magical May!
May is the “Magical Month,” a time often dedicated to Mother Mary, the Christian representative of miracles, and Kuan Yin, the Chinese goddess of compassion. We’ve been through so much the past three years and there’s finally an energy of hopefulness in the air that is uplifting and invigorating. Let’s take a breath and continue to have hope in what lies before us. We are still in the process of transition and transformation, with our biggest challenge being accepting the idea that “normal” has a whole new meaning! We can trust that things continue to occur behind the scenes and internally to usher in a beautiful new existence for us all. When we can trust in the Divine Plan and release any form we may be expecting to see, miracles will truly happen.
The Oracle is offering us support and encouragement from a different perspective and I’m excited to share it with you. I’d love to hear your reaction, as well. We’re individuals with free will and our own unique point of view.
Beginning of May – Siren’s Song
Middle of May – Bound for Boundaries
End of May – Road Less Traveled
Essential Oils for Support — Patchouli and Myrrh
Beginning of May – Siren’s Song
Especially in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re being seduced with the sounds and smells of Spring! How wonderful to anticipate getting outside more and enjoying the delights of Nature. That aside, a Siren’s Song could be tempting you with a promise of beauty, treasure, and magic. Nature aside, all may not be as it seems. Trust your intuition if you’re feeling like that person, or offer, isn’t what it seems to be. Take a minute and consider what you’re getting into before you take that step. It could save you a lot of grief down the road.
Middle of May – Bound for Boundaries
We are helpers and healers, we people of service, and we can find ourselves overloaded with duties and responsibilities that we’ve taken on, little by little, from others. It’s ok to do a quick inventory every so often and evaluate how much of the stuff on your plate is really yours. It’s also ok to say, “no more” or “no thank you” or simply “no” when you’re asked to do one more thing. No explanation needed. Do it before you become overloaded or start feeling resentful.
End of May – Road Less Traveled
As you begin to adjust to the new flow in your life, thanks to those boundaries you’ve set and reinforced, you may find you’re feeling out of sorts with yourself and how you’re presenting to others. Are you trying to fit in with the “norm?” Are you denying your true self for the sake of those around you? Consider veering off the path you’re on and find the road less traveled, the one that can lead you to find the undiscovered and authentic parts of You. Celebrate the human experience and try an unorthodox approach. Enjoy the scenery and explore who you really are!

My guidance has suggested that we use Myrrh and Patchouli essential oils to support our growth, healing, and expansion this month. This is an inspired combination, as Myrrh nurtures your soul’s relationship with the maternal (perfect, right; Mother’s Day) and with the Earth (Mother Gaia), while Patchouli supports you in becoming fully present in your physical body.
With a powerful 5-5-5 Portal opening, and the Full Flower Moon in Scorpio opposing the Sun in Taurus with a total lunar eclipse, all occurring on May 5, just imagine the energetic upgrades and openings flooding into our bodies! Are you able to release the things you’re attached to that have been holding you down, keeping you stuck? We’ve been preparing for the quantum leap needed for us to survive and thrive, and NOW is the time! Change comes through doing things differently. Continue to stay in your hearts, using discernment with all you read and hear, distancing yourself from as much chaos as possible, following your intuition, and using common sense.
We have a variety of options available to support our efforts and assist with the all-essential self-care that we are reminded of in so many ways. From essential oils to energy work to crystals to sound therapy to spending time in Nature and meditation to all kinds of creative expression — there is a plethora of selections to suit our individual taste and the mood of the moment. If you find yourself unable to choose or would like more information about any of this, I hope you’ll contact me. I’ll be happy to share my experience and the information I’ve acquired over my journey with you.
We’re still here, friends, doing so much more than putting one foot in front of the other! We are seeing glimmers of light at the end of this very long tunnel and I have to believe that the work we’ve been doing these past weeks, months, and years have gotten us to this point and will see us through! Trust that together, joined in love, we can accomplish so much more than we can alone. If you’re not sure how to stay in your heart, contact me and I’ll give you some easy-to-follow guidelines. I’ll be happy to share some uplifting guided meditations that will help to keep your energy focused in a positive direction. We’re all in this together and what lies ahead will be more magnificent than we could ever let ourselves imagine. Above all, stay in the MAGICAL MIND!
Want something a little more in-depth and personal?
I’m happy to schedule a personal reading with you, in-person if you are local, and via email or Zoom if you live farther away. I can augment your reading with a special essential oil blend, created with help from my guidance for an intuitively assembled blend just for you. I’m happy to announce that I’ll be participating in some local in-person events in later in the year. Watch for the details in my newsletter and on social media.