Gaia, Summer Solstice 2015

June 27, 2015
The beginnings of the summer solstice season – Gaia

This period that we are now in, these days following the solstice, are critical in establishing the flow of energy that will carry us through into autumn. Day by day, evening by evening, you will not notice so much the passage of time or the small occurrences that take place. The Important Events, such as those that have occurred in recent hours in the United States, will gain much attention, as well they should. But the small day-to-day occurrences will pass largely unnoticed. And then, at the time of the autumnal equinox, you will look back over these days and realize all that has come to pass, by comparing where you find yourselves to where you were on these days.

The veils are indeed thinner, time is flowing in a much more fluid manner, all preparing you for the instant of the Great Shift, when all will move into the new way of being. It will occur gradually, so as not to alarm the general population, but those of you who have awakened, or are in the process of awakening, are aware of these changes. It is good and we all will continue to rejoice and celebrate this growth and shift.

Continue to prepare your bodies, keeping them fit, clean and healthy, so that they can serve you effectively when the time comes. Continue to maintain your daily meditation practices, so that your spirit is ready to respond when the call sounds. Continue to nourish the flame that lives in each of you, being aware that everyone you meet has that same flame burning inside them. Let yourself see beyond the superficial and recognize the Divine in each one of you. Remember that you are all on your own path, and each of you is doing your best to walk your own particular walk. Many lessons are being learned, and not all are evident on the surface.

For those of you who are able, spend even a few minutes in nature each day. Even a small dose will nourish your soul and clear your mind, allowing you to focus on the beauty and joy that surrounds you and feeds your innermost being. Notice the little things that surround you as you pass through your day. Take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy the sights, scents, sounds and sensations that are available to you. The few moments that you devote to these activities will repay you a thousand-fold in peace of mind and serenity of body.

Remove yourself whenever possible from the daily drama that those of lower vibration revel in; it does not serve you, or them, to join in. Maintain a loving distance and focus your attention in your heart space, your sacred chamber within your being, and you will find that the drama and the chaos dissipate in your presence. The others will truly “take it outside.”
Remember that you are never alone. You are surrounded by all manner of Light Beings who are waiting to assist you as you ask them. You are in the company of many Elemental Beings who are overjoyed when you allow them to serve their purpose here among us. You have many guides and Angels who watch over you, sending you signs and signals, giving you small boosts of encouragement along your way. That coin you find in the parking lot, the feather resting on your windshield, the pretty leaf that drifts in through your window, all are signs and signals that you are greatly loved and highly appreciated for the service that you provide, simply by being you.

We all await with great anticipation the playing out of this next phase of our Ascension. We will do this together, my children, and we will do this joyously!

I am Gaia, your Mother Earth, and I love you all!
